Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Expected more drama- Darling

This is Dannie Druehyld, and she is a whitch.
A Norwegian newspaper wanted me to do a photo essay
on her,
so I went to Aalborg and spent a day with her.
A fantastic lady, really. The essay was never printed.
The paper had expected a more dramatic,
crazy whitch, they did not expect a clever lady who loved nature...
I still love this picture, it will always be my darling although
I can't have it in my portfolio.
- Nina Strand

Monday, October 29, 2007

This is a real Darling!

"Emil is 11 years old and is autistic.
He has no language, and can´t communicate
with his surroundings. He avoids eyecontact,
so his mom was extremly suprised that I got a
picture like this, and started crying because
they didt´t have any pictures of Emil looking
in the camera. The paper didn´t print it,
but I still like it.
Because it´s quiet, and because I fool myself
to think I made a connection."
- Anders Find

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Digital Dust Darling

" I photographed Susanne in Århus cemetery one morning and for some reason really like this photograph. I noticed the crosses and just waited for things to line up and as soon as she turned her head, that was the little moment I was waiting for. Something quiet. But maybe it's just me who likes this. So it won't be in any portfolio and but I thought I'd share it so it doesn't just sit around gathering digital dust."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Look me in the eyes - Darling...

Hanne Hvattum, has send this photograph
" This picture will probably never be printed.
It will never appear in a newspaper or hang on a wall.
Why not?
It's not a part of a bigger story, a reportage, a project.
It's just a picture, a moment, a child I met while travelling, and will probably never meet again.
Still, I will never forget these eyes.
And it feels good to know that they are out there, in cyberspace, to see and to be seen. Given eternal life amongst all these other photographs sharing the same destiny- the rejected ones, that survived- after all.... "

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dancing Darling

This is Christian Van Schijndel a burlesque stripper.
" I love the suprise of this picture. And I would have liked
to use it, but, but, but, I had to sort it out of my serie,
the surrounding and the light did not fit into the other

For others to enjoy - Morten Pedersen

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Alpha Darling

This is Alpha Bah Samanthan...
He made me discover photography.
He made me discover, that it´s more
than just catching a moment.
I owe him everything.
I´m not saying the picture is great,
but for me it´s says more than I can express in words.
Marcus källander

She´s a Darling.

" I almost couldn’t bare it. First the feeling of having taken a great picture and the a feeling of disillusion knowing that the picture was doomed to a life on the hard drive. Sara, thank you for giving it a chance. The picture deserves it. You’re a darling." Emil

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sisse Stroyer slaughters Darling

Dette billede har Sisse taget på saltholm øen - Danmarks mindste ø.
" Dette er virkelig en af de helt store darlings. En af dem jeg kun slap medd nød og næppe i sidste sekund. For satan... bliver helt trist ved tanken. Mit portfolio bliver aldrig helt det samme uden."

My first dead Darling.

I`m gonna start with this picture. Yesterday it was trashed from my portfolio, but I can´t quite let it go - yet!
Maybe it´s just me, that thinks this is a cool picture. Maybe it´s because I know that picture saved me from his wet lips, because I turned my camera at him, when he tryed to kiss me!

"OH your Darling"

- as I said.... Send me your Darling, and I post it on the blog - and please send a comment about why you love the picture..

ready- set - go!

This is my new blog, but that doesn´t mean, that I´m no longer posting things on mangofandango... this is just another blog with one purpose - to give my Darlings and yours another chance to survive.
I hope it´s gonna be a succes.
- Sara